Recent works _

Note for mobile users : we are still working on making this website mobile-friendly.Note : the Commission infos section is currently under construction. For any question related to business inquiries, don't hesitate to reach out to Valionart or visit their personal portfolio :

A display of artworks that had been requested by commissionners.Featured characters either belong to the commissionners themselves, or to their respective licenses. I do not own any of these characters.Thank you all for your trust, your support means a lot to me as an independant artist!

Finished commissions _

Note for mobile users : we are still working on making this website mobile-friendly.
Answers are located further below, following the questions order.

I want to use your commission for personal projects. Am i allowed to?-I'm interested in commissioning you, but your art style doesn't fit the idea i had in mind. Can you try and mimic someone else's art style?-I want to commission you, but i'm unsure if you're willing to work on the project i have for you, since it's not specified on your commission infos.-Do you consider selling physical artworks and goodies in the future?

You absolutely are! As long as it remains personal use only, you're allowed to use your commission however you like, whether you want to display it or have it printed on your own goodies (sales of said goodies are however prohibited).-This depends on what you're expecting from me.
I am not able to completely accurately reproduce an art style. I will not try to replicate the art style of one of my artist peers, as this would be highly unfair to them- you're free to commission them if they're open for commissions, though!
I can, however, reference the art of popular franchises owned by bigger corporations, for a parodic or tribute aspect rather than a complete rip-off.
You're always welcome to reach out and ask! What is featured on the commission infos is mostly a quick overview of what my competences allow me to do. If you're unsure, feel free to ask for more details, or discuss your idea with me so i can try and adapt to what you're asking from me. If i'm unfortunately unable to help with your request, i shall happily try and redirect you to other artists that might be within your range of action!
Hopefully! For the current time, i shall focus on digital commissions, while figuring out a way to sell physical items. Traditional artworks might be available for sale in Europe only at the beginning, due to shipping fees. I am also currently looking for good manufacturers for apparel and goodies of all kind!

Note for mobile users : we are still working on making this website mobile-friendly.
A french translation of the TOS chart is available further below.

By commissioning me, you are agreeing to the terms of service below :Copyrights and usage policy :By commissioning me, you are allowing me to use your commission to :
- Repost it in any place or site
- Promote myself and/or my commissions
- Add it to my professional portfolio
With your commission, you are allowed to :
- Use it for personal/non-commercial goals
- Repost it and display it, as long as you credit me
- Use the art to promote yourself, as long as proper credit is given
However, you are not allowed to :
- Take credit for my work
- Use it in a commercial context
- Re-sell it or make money from it in any way
- Remove any signature or watermark
Process :A clear reference sheet and explanation of what you're planning to commission would be greatly appreciated.WIPs will be provided either if the commissioner asks for them, or if i need clearer instructions to work with.I will take into account your potential request to change something you would want me to in your commission. However, a radical change (understand a complete change of outfit, pose, or background, anything that would make me completely start over) would come with an extra charge.Depending on the type of commission, i can roughly estimate how long your commission will take. Please note that this is up to changes due to various reasons (school work, health, complexity of your request, personal issues...) You will be notified as soon as possible if something unexpected comes up.Payement :The currency accepted is euro.The commission shall be paid either through my Ko-Fi page, or directly on Paypal.Payment is required after we agree over a first coloured sketch.Canceling and refunding policy :Even if this might rarely happen, i have a right to cancel a commission if i believe i am unable to finish it (for the same reasons your commission can be delayed).When commission is paid, you are still able to cancel your commission if you hav a change of mind.In both cases, once the colouring step finished, note that the refund will correspond to 50% of the initial price (tips aside), as a payback for the time i spent working on your commission.
Before this step, if you either change your mind or i have to cancel your commission, it shall and will be fully refunded.
Any statement can be bound to change if discussed with me prior to the commission.

En passant commande, vous déclarez être en accord avec les conditions énoncées ci-dessous :Copyrights et politique d'utilisation :En passant commande, vous m'autorisez à utiliser votre commission pour :
- La publier sur d'autres sites web
- Promouvoir mon travail
- L'afficher dans mon portfolio professionnel
Avec votre commande, vous êtes autorisé.e à :
- L'utiliser à but personnel/non-commercial
- La publier et l'afficher, tant que proprement créditée
- L'utiliser pour vous promouvoir, tant que proprement crédité
Cependant, vous n'êtes pas autorisé.e à :
- Vous approprier le crédit de mon travail
- Utiliser votre commande à des fins commerciales
- La revendre ou en tirer un quelconque profit financier
- Effacer toute forme de signature
Processus de création :Une fiche de référence et/ou une explication détaillée de ce que vous souhaitez commander sont grandement encouragées.Des work in progress (des aperçus du travail en court) peuvent être transmis si demandés par le commanditaire, ou si besoin de clarifications.Je prends en compte l'éventualité de devoir modifier quelques détails dans votre commande, si demandé. Cependant, un changement drastique (à comprendre un changement complet de tenue, de pose, de décor, ou quoi que ce soit d'autre qui me fasse reprendre du début) peut exiger une augmentation du prix de la commande.Selon le type de commande, il est possible d'estimer le temps de travail que cela peut prendre. Nénanmoins, il est à prendre en compte que cette estimation peut venir à changer en fonction de facteurs extérieurs (complexité de la commande, problèmes d'ordre personnel, etc), en quel cas vous en serez systématiquement informé.e.Paiement :La monnaie privilégiée est l'euro.
La transaction se doit d'être effectuée par le biais de Paypal.
Le règlement est attendu une fois que nous nous soyons accordé.es sur un premier croquis.
Annulation et politique de remboursement :Bien que cela soit rare, il m'est donné de pouvoir annuler une commande si je considère ne pas être en mesure de la terminer (pour les mêmes raisons qu'un possible rallongement du délai de création.)Une fois la commande réglée, vous gardez néanmoins le droit de vous rétracter, peu importe la raison.Dans les deux cas, et ce une fois passé l'étape de la colorisation, il est à noter que le remboursement correspondra à 50% du prix initial (bonus non-compris) en guise de caution pour le temps de travail déjà fourni.
Avant ce délai, si désistement ou annulation de ma part, le remboursement se fera dans son intégralité.
Toute condition de cette politique peut être vouée à changer, si discutée au préalable avec moi.